20 hours of Community Service are required for graduation from Bishop Union High School. Click here for the community service documentation form.
EVENTS & AGENCIES to volunteer with:
Bishop Elks (760) 873-3221
City of Bishop Christmas Parade (760) 873-8405
Earth Day, April
Eastern Sierra Land Trust (760) 873-4554
ESCA: Eastern Sierra Cancer Alliance (760) 872-3811
Inyo Council for the Arts (760) 873-8014
Inyo County Animal Shelter 760-938-2715
Inyo County Office of Ed: Camp Counselor (760) 873-3262
Laws Railroad Museum (760) 873-5950
Lion’s Club / LEO’s Club
Mule Days (760) 872-4263
Ronald McDonald Houses, 5K
Rotary/Interact Club
Salvation Army, Food Drives and Bell Ringing (760) 872-2124
VFW 760-873-5770
Wildcare Eastern Sierra (760) 872-1487

Bishop Union High School's Chapter of the California Scholarship Federation, Chapter #118 requires qualifying students to submit an application AND verification of minimum 5 hours of community service / volunteerism at the beginning of each semester. The grades to be used are the previous semester's final semester grades and the service or volunteerism must also have occurred during the previous semester. Applications are available in the Guidance Office. Click here for a CSF service hours documentation form.
* Membership is NOT automatic, an application and service hour verification form must be submitted together by the due date advertised in the daily bulletin.
Click here for an explanation of CSF benefits.