spring carnival

This week Bishop Elementry is holding its biggest fundraisers of the year. Committee please support our school!! Bishop Elementry school is our biggest school in the valley with over 850 students. Please come out and support BES!! Anything helps!!! 

Online auction Sunday 8:00 am to Saturday, May 4th, 2 pm

Link to Auction: https://www.32auctions.com/BESSpringCarnival2024

Teacher Raffle Baskets: Tickets will be sold at BES until May 4th, 2 pm

Spring Carnival May 4th, 10 am-2 pm, games, food, bounce houses, extra...

The BES Spring Carnival and online auction is a fundraiser to help support BES teachers/staff and students. With the profits from last year's spring carnival, PTCO supplied;

- All staff with Kleenex, Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, and soap for the year
-Coffee/tea treats once a month for staff
-500 books for kids during the book fair
- Positive behavior treats for kids once a month through Ram cart.
- $200 dollars to each teacher who helped with the Spring carnival for classroom expenses,
- Provided 4 free movie nights for families this year.

- coats and clothing for the nurses/counseling closet 

- clothing tots for TK-1st 

- Supported different grade levels with items or field trips.

This year, PTCO's goal is to give each grade level team $500 to support them through the year and the same items/services we did this year listed above.