Finals Schedule 2023
12/5 Workshop to Focus on Firewise Practices
Thank you Veterans for your service (No School Fri 11/10 in honor of Veterans Day)
Broncos host North High for CIF Playoffs on Thus 11/9
Legally Blonde The Musical Logo Jr. / Legalmente Rubia Musical El Logo
November is Native American Heritage Month
Start with Hello
Picture Makeup Day is on Wednesday October 4, 2023/ El Dia de La Foto es Miercoles Octubre 4, 2023
Legally Blonde The Musical Logo/ Legalmente Rubia Musical El Logo
23/24 COVID-19 Guidelines for Schools
Introducing KSRW Radio After School Program for High Schoolers !
Here are the top 5 things you can do to stay safer during the storm:
Registration and Picture Day!
See you on August 17th!
May 1-5 is Staff Appreciation Week!