4/12/23 NO Benton Bus: There will be no Benton bus tomorrow (4/12/23). Students will be picked up at the Chalfant stops to be brought to school, and BUSD will drive students to the Benton stop after school. Thank you.
almost 2 years ago, BUSD
BES Families, Please read the attached letter regarding the Bishop Elementary Campus and methane/propane levels: https://5il.co/1rbu2
almost 2 years ago, BUSD
6-12th gd Families, BUSD will be running 6th-12th gd afternoon bus routes at 11:30am instead of 3:35pm today due to road conditions. If you live out of town and need to pick your student up early please contact your school office. Otherwise HSMS & BUHS will continue to run school as usual.
almost 2 years ago, BUSD
Bishop Elementary School is CANCELED for today (3/10/23) due to elevated methane levels. Since January we have been monitoring methane levels daily and on 3/9/23 in the morning all rooms were at zero. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please look to ParentSquare for further communication for next week with the continued weather.
almost 2 years ago, BUSD
PGHS Students & Families, Cal Trans has announced Hwy 395 is closing from Pearsonville to Bishop due to flooding. PGHS will be closed today, Friday 3/10. We apologize for the late notice and will be in touch.
almost 2 years ago, BUSD
BES Families, High levels of methane have been detected in several buildings on the BES campus this morning. We are announcing at least a LATE START DAY for BES today, Friday 3/10 with the possibility of school being canceled. We apologize for this and will keep you posted.
almost 2 years ago, BUSD
All BUSD schools are closed today, Friday 2/24, due to extreme weather conditions and road restrictions in and out of town. Stay warm, stay safe.
almost 2 years ago, BUSD
Power pole and lines are down on Main St near Schat's Bakery this morning (Tues 2/7). Please avoid the area and take your time to travel safely to school today. Our power is back on and we plan on schools operating on a normal schedule.
almost 2 years ago, BUSD
BES will fully reopen Tues 1/17! https://5il.co/1nccc
about 2 years ago, BUSD
BES Families - Elevated gas levels have spread across several parts of the BES campus, requiring us to close school for all TK-5 students and staff tomorrow, Wed 1/11. We will be tackling this serious problem first thing in the morning and will keep you posted with updates as they arise.
about 2 years ago, BUSD
BUSD Chalfant & Benton Families - There will be no bussing from/to the Chalfant/Benton area today, Tues 1/10, due to Hwy 6 being closed due to flooding. Stay safe out there.
about 2 years ago, BUSD
Request for Proposals for BUHS West Gym Floor - https://5il.co/1mvxa
about 2 years ago, BUSD
School Safety Night for BUSD Parents & Community Members on Dec 13th - https://5il.co/1kq7i
about 2 years ago, BUSD
It's Parent/Teacher Conference Week for BES & HSMS this week! Minimum Day Schedules for TK-8th grade students Tues 11/15 - Fri 11/18.
about 2 years ago, BUSD
BUHS will be on a combined bus schedule for TAKE HOME ONLY for the remainder of this week (11/15-18). Buses will arrive to BUHS at normal time (3:35 PM). Please check out the combined runs for drop off sites & times.
about 2 years ago, Wanda Summers
Combined Bus TAKE HOME schedule
Flu season is here, please stay healthy out there! https://www.inyocounty.us/vaccine-clinics
about 2 years ago, BUSD
Join us to learn more about the dangers of Fentanyl in our community - https://www.bishopschools.org/article/886667
about 2 years ago, BUSD
Awareness Event
Evento de Concientizacion
BUSD has 5 "Every Day Sub" positions open - apply today! https://5il.co/1j02c
over 2 years ago, BUSD
MEET THE BISHOP SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATES BEFORE THE ELECTION - Thurs 10/6 @ 6pm at Cerro Coso Community College https://5il.co/1iwzk
over 2 years ago, BUSD
Make-up picture day for BUSD staff & BUHS students is Wed 10/5 in the BUHS Auditorium.
over 2 years ago, BUSD