4/12/23 NO Benton Bus:
There will be no Benton bus tomorrow (4/12/23). Students will be picked up at the Chalfant stops to be brought to school, and BUSD will drive students to the Benton stop after school. Thank you.
BES Families,
Please read the attached letter regarding the Bishop Elementary Campus and methane/propane levels: https://5il.co/1rbu2
6-12th gd Families, BUSD will be running 6th-12th gd afternoon bus routes at 11:30am instead of 3:35pm today due to road conditions. If you live out of town and need to pick your student up early please contact your school office. Otherwise HSMS & BUHS will continue to run school as usual.
Bishop Elementary School is CANCELED for today (3/10/23) due to elevated methane levels.
Since January we have been monitoring methane levels daily and on 3/9/23 in the morning all rooms were at zero. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Please look to ParentSquare for further communication for next week with the continued weather.
PGHS Students & Families, Cal Trans has announced Hwy 395 is closing from Pearsonville to Bishop due to flooding. PGHS will be closed today, Friday 3/10. We apologize for the late notice and will be in touch.
BES Families, High levels of methane have been detected in several buildings on the BES campus this morning. We are announcing at least a LATE START DAY for BES today, Friday 3/10 with the possibility of school being canceled. We apologize for this and will keep you posted.
All BUSD schools are closed today, Friday 2/24, due to extreme weather conditions and road restrictions in and out of town. Stay warm, stay safe.
Power pole and lines are down on Main St near Schat's Bakery this morning (Tues 2/7). Please avoid the area and take your time to travel safely to school today. Our power is back on and we plan on schools operating on a normal schedule.
BES will fully reopen Tues 1/17! https://5il.co/1nccc
BES Families - Elevated gas levels have spread across several parts of the BES campus, requiring us to close school for all TK-5 students and staff tomorrow, Wed 1/11. We will be tackling this serious problem first thing in the morning and will keep you posted with updates as they arise.
BUSD Chalfant & Benton Families - There will be no bussing from/to the Chalfant/Benton area today, Tues 1/10, due to Hwy 6 being closed due to flooding. Stay safe out there.
Request for Proposals for BUHS West Gym Floor - https://5il.co/1mvxa
School Safety Night for BUSD Parents & Community Members on Dec 13th - https://5il.co/1kq7i
It's Parent/Teacher Conference Week for BES & HSMS this week! Minimum Day Schedules for TK-8th grade students Tues 11/15 - Fri 11/18.
BUHS will be on a combined bus schedule for TAKE HOME ONLY for the remainder of this week (11/15-18). Buses will arrive to BUHS at normal time (3:35 PM). Please check out the combined runs for drop off sites & times.
Flu season is here, please stay healthy out there! https://www.inyocounty.us/vaccine-clinics
Join us to learn more about the dangers of Fentanyl in our community - https://www.bishopschools.org/article/886667
BUSD has 5 "Every Day Sub" positions open - apply today! https://5il.co/1j02c
MEET THE BISHOP SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATES BEFORE THE ELECTION - Thurs 10/6 @ 6pm at Cerro Coso Community College https://5il.co/1iwzk
Make-up picture day for BUSD staff & BUHS students is Wed 10/5 in the BUHS Auditorium.